
Advent & Christmas at Faith

Come Lord Jesus, be our guest! As we enter the season of Advent – a time of waiting, reflection and preparing – we invite you to join Faith Lutheran in the following events as we prepare for and celebrate Christmas.

Weekly Advent Devotionals

This Advent season we are exploring gifts from God that help us navigate the season of waiting: faith, justice, hope, peace, joy, and love. Each week we are sharing an email Advent Devotional, where you’ll find several different ways to encounter the chosen theme, such as scripture, reflection, song, and prayer. You can explore every element or just the ones that call to you. You can do it all in one day, or return to the week’s reflection with each day that passes. The best devotional resource is the one you actually use, so integrate these devotions into your spiritual practice in the way that best supports your life. To receive these emails, contact communications@flcva.org.

Poinsettia and Greenery Dedications

Each year we decorate the sanctuary during Advent and Christmas. Place your order using this link to dedicate the poinsettias that beautify the sanctuary at this festive time of year. You also may make a donation to offset costs for other holiday decorations. This year’s deadline for dedications is Tuesday, Dec. 17th.

Angel Trees

Our Angel Trees this year are Arlington Foster Care and Adoption and the Synod’s Gifts of Hope program. We are collecting gift cards from local stores for Arlington Foster Care and Adoption through Dec. 8th. Gift cards will be distributed to the nearly 90 children and youth in foster care at their annual holiday party in early December, helping to ensure each child feels loved and appreciated this holiday season.

Our Synod’s Gift of Hope program shares 100% of donations to vetted beneficiary organizations that give shelter, clothing, food, medical assistance, employment aid, and much more to people who need it. We will collect financial donations for Gifts of Hope through Dec. 31st.

Sunday School Christmas Program

The Sunday School Christmas Program is Sunday, Dec. 15th during the 9 AM service, followed by a church-wide party after the program in the Fellowship Hall. Sign up here to bring cookies, cider, and cocoa to share.

Blue Christmas

Faith’s Blue Christmas will be held Sunday, December 15th at 4:30 PM. In the church year, Advent is a season of hope. But in the midst of holiday preparations and celebration, it’s common to struggle with feelings of grief and loss, and yet those who struggle often feel like they are the only ones.

This will be a shared event with Georgetown Lutheran Church and Pastor Brett Wilson. We will come together for prayer and song, seeking healing and room to share grief, sadness, or loneliness – to acknowledge the darkness we feel, and to remember together the promise of light that shines in the darkness. Childcare will be provided.

Decorate the Sanctuary

We will dress the Sanctuary for Christmas on Thursday, Dec. 19th at 7:30 PM. This involves lots of ladder work so teens and older are encouraged to come! More hands make light work! 

Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship

Celebrate the nativity of our Lord with Faith Lutheran! There are two service times on the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 24th – 4:30 PM and 7:30 PM (with livestream). The 4:30 PM service will be more family friendly and streamlined while 7:30 PM will be more traditional. Both services will include candle lighting and special music. 

Lessons and Carols Unity Worship

We will have one worship service on Sunday, Dec. 29th at 10 AM (with livestream), which will feature Christmas lessons and carols with holy communion.

Faith Lutheran Church

3313 Arlington Blvd
Arlington, VA 22201

703.525.9283 (Church)
703.525.1375 (Preschool)

Worship Times

9 am Contemporary Worship

11 am Blended Traditional Worship with Livestream

We invite you to join us this Sunday.