Child Protection Policy (CPP)
What is the purpose of the CPP?
Children are our sacred trust from a loving God. Faith Lutheran Church (“FLC”) joyfully answers the call to provide a nurturing and dynamic Christian environment that will foster our children’s faith, their guiding light. We seek to ensure the safety of all children participating in the programs and activities of the church by establishing the following guidelines with regard to the conduct of adults and children. This Child Protection Policy (“CPP”) directs that supervision of activities involving children and adults be conducted in a manner that protects the children who participate in the activities sponsored by FLC from abuse and to protect FLC’s employees and volunteers from false allegations of abuse. FLC will, through adherence to this CPP, make every effort to ensure that persons placed in positions of responsibility and trust with respect to the children of the church deserve that trust and responsibility.
Code of Conduct
Those who accept the responsibility of working with children at FLC agree to:
- treat children with respect and dignity;
- do their best to prevent abuse, neglect, and exploitation of children participating in activities;
- refrain from engaging in or condoning acts of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse;
- comply with the policy; and
- report any abuse, inappropriate behavior, or possible policy violations.
All members of FLC should follow this policy. Anyone else using the building, including community groups and others not directly affiliated with the church, should acknowledge and agree to comply with the spirit and intent of the FLC CPP.
You can read the full document here: