
Faith Lutheran Preschool

Our image of the child is rich in potential, strong, powerful, competent, and most of all, connected to adults and other children. ~ Loris Malaguzzi, founder of the Reggio-Emilia approach

Founded in 1990, our preschool is hands-on and intentionally play-based, allowing students to draw on all five senses to discover the world around them. Our classrooms facilitate creativity, encouraging exploration both indoors and in the natural world.  FLP helps students to develop and grow by providing a collaborative learning environment. We guide children to see alternatives, problem-solve, and make their own decisions. We observe and listen to our students, so they feel heard, respected, and empowered. FLP’s program includes dedicated STEM, art, and music classes, as well as weekly chapel. Through a wide range of experiences, our students build a love of learning they will carry with them through their lives.

Explore with us at FLP

  • Outdoor Classroom
  • exploring nature
  • exploring famous artists
  • Chapel time
  • hands-on science
  • Storytime and lunch
  • play is our work

    NOW Enrolling

    Please Contact Carrie Field for a personal tour

    Please contact Carrie Field with any questions regarding enrollment at 703)525-1375 or preschool@flcva.org

    We have partnered with Soaring Starts to offer
    an arts-based afterschool program.  Click below for more info:

    FLP Welcomes Everyone

    Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.

    Romans 15:7

    Carrie Field, Director

    3313 Arlington Blvd.
    Arlington, VA 22201

    The Code of Virginia, Section 63.2-1716, allows child daycare centers operated by religious
    institutions the opportunity to file for an exemption from licensure by meeting documentation
    and other requirements specified within the religious exemption law. In compliance with the Code of Virginia, Section 63.2-1716, this Center is religiously exempt from licensure and is classified as a “religiously exempt child day center.”