Welcome to the Waiting Room: Week 2
Advent is a season of hoping, waiting, yearning, and preparing, but for what or whom and how? These are some of the themes explored in this Advent series. The word “advent” is from the Latin adventus; it means “arrival” or an awaited coming. It’s a season of big promises. We wonder, “Will God keep ancient promises or has God forgotten us?”
During these four weeks, the future and the past mingle together as we celebrate the Christ who came and is yet to come. Memories, inherited through scripture and tradition, are sparked in order to feed tomorrow’s hope. The Spirit nudges the discovery, “If God came once, maybe God really will come again.”
Advent is a season largely forgotten by our culture of immediate gratification, and likewise we’ve forgotten what it means to wait well. In all of this waiting, God is creating desire within us. And we trust it’s worth the wait. Along the way, there are a few things for which we’re not yet ready, because when God comes close it’s almost always accompanied by surprise or scandal.
This is God’s story. This is our story. Welcome to the season of Advent.
Advent 2: Prepare
Hope might sound passive, but it’s the farthest thing from it. Christian hope won’t let you just sit on your hands. There are preparations to be made and roadwork to be straightened out because God is coming.