Announcements: April 10, 2016
Mission of the Month: Arlington Foster Care/Adoption Program
The Arlington Foster Care/Adoption Program is a service offered by Arlington Department of Human Services, Child and Family Services Division. One goal of the program is to ensure a temporary living arrangement is available for children who can no longer live in their homes because of abuse, neglect or other severe family problems.
You can help out by becoming a foster parent, by sharing information with people you know who might be interested in becoming foster parents, by purchasing a car seat (see insert), or by making a monetary donation to the “Mission of the Month” program.
For more information, see this month’s Key, or visit their display in the Fellowship Hall.
Stewardship at Faith
Throughout April we will be thinking about what it means to take hold of the freedom we have in Christ and serve as faithful stewards of God’s gifts. Members of Faith will share in worship why it is meaningful to them to give to Faith’s ministry, and we’ll invite everyone to think about their own stewardship and consider filling out a plan for giving for this year.
Today we’ll hear about electronic giving. Laptops will be set up in the Fellowship Hall to demonstrate how you can set up your electronic giving to Faith. You can also ask anyone wearing a special sticker about it!
Faith Mission Quilters Meets Today
Feel free to join the Mission Quilters today from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. as they finish tying and binding their third mission quilt and begin piecing some new quilt tops. Contact Rachel or Allison if you have any questions
High School Youth Coffee & Conversation
Starting Sunday, April 10 at 10:30 a.m. Catch up with your Faith friends and enjoy coffee and conversation with Dan, Sam, and Annie.
Upcoming Young Adult Events
• Saturday, April 16th, 9:45 a.m. – Seven Hills of Bluemont Hike. We’ll hike a 5.5-mile lowland trail, which is especially beautiful in early spring, and has seven moderately steep climbs of 50 to 350 feet each. After the hike, we plan to visit a historic Loudoun county town and stay for dinner. Please email Greg to sign up or for more information.
SWO Convention
Today (Sunday) is the last day to register online for the Metropolitan D.C. Synodical Women’s Organization Convention, being held on Saturday, April 16, at Saint Luke Lutheran Church, 9100 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910. For more information, see the display in the Fellowship Hall. You can also check out the SWO website, where you’ll find a registration link.
Vacation Bible School – July 11 – 15
The VBS Staff is busy getting ready to catch the wave of God’s amazing love. Please help us “build” our surf shack! If you have any of the following items to donate or loan, we will happily accept:
• Tiki torches
• Hawaiian / beachy décor
• Surf or boogie boards
• Aquatic stuffed animals (fish, crabs, dolphins, etc)
Registration opened last week, and we are already at capacity. If you haven’t signed up your kids, don’t despair – Faith families get priority for VBS, but don’t delay. Sign up now! In addition, we are still looking for at least one more adult who can be available to teach all of the days. If you’re able, please contact Mary.
Garden Events
We’re gearing up for another great growing season in the garden! Work days are planned for Saturdays, May 7, June 4, July 2, August 6, September 3 and October 1. This year, we’ll be setting up a “farm market” one Sunday per month, May – August, to sell extra produce at church. For details, and to sign up to help out with the garden, visit our garden page.
Between Hope and Fear: A Conversation with Islam
St. John’s Episcopal Church, 415 S. Lexington St., Arlington will host “Between Hope and Fear: A Conversation with Islam” on Sunday April 17 at 11:30 am at the church. Zeyneb and Salih Sayilgan, two of the most prominent speakers in the area on Muslim-Christian relations will be the speakers and facilitators.