
Announcements – April 17, 2016

Welcome, Rev. Ray Rankar!
Pr. Ray Ranker, from Reisterstown, MD, was a 2004 graduate from the University of Maryland. After college he spent a year in  Argentina with the Young Adult in Global Mission program of the ELCA. In 2006, he served as a steward at the World Council of Churches assembly in Brazil. Since then, he has done short term service in six countries and continues to be active in the global ecumenical movement. After graduating from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia in 2011, he was called to be campus pastor at the University of Maryland, following one of his mentors, Pr. Beth Platz, who retired in June 2012. Since September of 2015 he has also served as Senior Pastor at Hope Lutheran Church in College Park. He is married to Karin Brown, ELCA Coordinator of the Peace Not Walls Campaign (about Israel and Palestine). They have a daughter, Lucia, who is 17 months old.

Our website is www.LutheranTerps.com

Mission of the Month: Arlington Foster Care/Adoption Program
The Arlington Foster Care/Adoption Program is a service offered by Arlington Department of Human Services, Child and Family Services Division. One goal of the program is to ensure a temporary living arrangement is available for children who can no longer live in their homes because of abuse, neglect or other severe family problems.

You can help out by becoming a foster parent, by sharing information with people you know who might be interested in becoming foster parents, by purchasing a car seat (see insert), or by making a monetary donation to the “Mission of the Month” program. For more information, see this month’s Key, or visit their display in the Fellowship Hall.

Stewardship at Faith
Throughout April we will be thinking about what it means to take hold of the freedom we have in Christ and serve as faithful stewards of God’s gifts. Members of Faith will share in worship why it is meaningful to them to give to Faith’s ministry, and we’ll invite everyone to think about their own stewardship and consider filling out a plan for giving for this year.

Next Week: Faith Volunteer Sunday!
Next Sunday we’ll be lifting up the giving of time as a part of stewardship. All morning long, you’ll have a chance to learn about different volunteer opportunities, as well as learn more about the community organizations that Faith partners with to serve our neighbors beyond the church walls. Stop by the Fellowship Hall between services next week for Faith’s first Volunteer Fair!

High School Youth Coffee & Conversation
Today at 10:30 a.m. Catch up with your Faith friends and enjoy coffee and conversation with Dan, Sam, and Annie.

Upcoming XYZ Event This Week
On Tuesday, XYZ will head out to Ashburn to have lunch at the Clyde’s there. The van will leave from Faith at 11:00 a.m.

Moms With Babies Bible Study
Moms and babies are invited for a Bible study and conversation on the spirituality of parenting this Thursday, April 21, 9:45 a.m. – 11 a.m. at the home of Mary K. Please RSVP to Pastor Yvette (pastoryvette@flcva.org).

Spring Middle Adult Group Event
The spring event for the Middle Adult Group will take place on Saturday, May 7 starting at 5 p.m. at the home of Jim and Holly J. Please bring a side or dessert to share.  There is plenty of street parking. Please email Pastor Yvette if you plan to attend.

Vacation Bible School – July 11 – 15
The VBS Staff is busy getting ready to catch the wave of God’s amazing love. Please help us “build” our surf shack! If you have any of the following items to donate or loan, we will happily accept:

  • Tiki torches
  • Hawaiian / beachy décor
  • Surf or boogie boards
  • Aquatic stuffed animals (fish, crabs, dolphins, etc)

Registration opened last week, and we are already at capacity. If you haven’t signed up your kids, don’t despair – Faith families get priority for VBS, but don’t delay. Visit www.flcva.org/grow/vbs2016 to sign up. In addition, we are still looking for at least one more adult who can be available to teach all of the days.

Garden Events
We’re gearing up for another great growing season in the garden! Work days are planned for Saturdays, May 7, June 4, July 2, August 6, September 3 and October 1.  This year, we’ll be setting up a “farm market” one Sunday per month, May – August, to sell extra produce at church. For details, and to sign up to help out with the garden, visit www.flcva.org/garden.

Between Hope and Fear: A Conversation with Islam
St. John’s Episcopal Church, 415 S. Lexington St., Arlington will host “Between Hope and Fear: A Conversation with Islam” on Sunday April 17 at 11:30 am at the church. Zeyneb and Salih Sayilgan, two of the most prominent speakers in the area on Muslim-Christian relations will be the speakers and facilitators.

Faith Lutheran Church

3313 Arlington Blvd
Arlington, VA 22201

703.525.9283 (Church)
703.525.1375 (Preschool)

Worship Times

9 am Contemporary Worship

11 am Blended Traditional Worship with Livestream

We invite you to join us this Sunday.