
Announcements – December 16, 2016

Mission of the Month: Angel Trees

Angel Trees are here! Instead of the traditional ornaments, the Angel Trees are adorned with tags that detail a special need for the following organizations:

  • Good News Prison Ministry – Soft cover new or gently used Bibles and faith-based books, new greeting cards and stationery for inmates
  • Refugee and Immigrant Services Program of LSS/NCA – Basic household items. These are items that we all obviously take for granted (like towels, pillows, blankets, diapers, etc.), but are essential when you’re starting with basically nothing. Donations of many of these things will allow both LSS and the refugee family to stretch their existing finances further, if even for just a bit.

Choose one or more tags, purchase the item(s) and place them unwrapped under the matching tree. We’ll gather up the donations and deliver them to the correct organization. This year we are collecting items right up to Christmas for Good News Prison Ministry and LSS.  The items are useful throughout the year as these organizations serve our community.

Questions?  Contact Becky Thomas: beckythomas4236@verizon.net.

Monetary Donations this month will benefit the Refugee & Immigrant Services Program of Lutheran Social Services/National Capital Area (LSS/NCA). At any moment, more than 15 million refugees around the world must leave their homes because of war or civil unrest.  Since the 1970s, LSS/NCA has partnered with local organizations, companies, and individual volunteers to aid in the resettlement of thousands of federally approved refugees as they begin new lives in the Washington, D.C. Metro area.  For more information, go to:  http://lssnca.org/programs/refugees_immigrant/

You can give to the mission of the month by using the special mission offering envelopes in the pews, online at www.flcva.org, or by scanning the QR code on the back of this bulletin.

Young Adult Christmas Party / White Elephant

TODAY, December 18th.  Meet at Pastor Kate’s house at 6:00 p.m. for our annual Christmas Party. Pastor Kate will provide a main dish and asks everyone to bring a side and/or beverage. We’ll also do a White Elephant gift exchange. Please bring a $10-15 gift wrapped and ready to be exchanged. It can be as fun, gaudy, or useful as you want.

Newsletter Article and Opt-in Deadline

Articles and announcements for the January-February edition of The Key are due by Monday, December 19th.  Please bring your submissions to the church office or send by email to Laura Bolger (communications@flcva.org).

For those who would like to continue receiving a paper copy of the newsletter by mail, December 19th is also the deadline to submit your opt-in form.  Paper copies will also be available for pickup at the church on Sunday, January 8th.

Christmas Service Times

Christmas is finally upon us!  On Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24th) there will be two services, one at at 5:00 p.m. and another at 8:00 p.m.  The first will be more kid-friendly and streamlined. Both will include candle lighting and communion. The second service will be followed by a reception at 9:00 p.m.

On Christmas Day, Sunday, there will be only one worship service at 10:30 a.m.  This will be a special “lessons and carols” service with communion to celebrate the coming of our lord, Jesus Christ.

XYZ New Years Eve Lunch at Red Lobster

On Saturday, December 31st, we will celebrate New Years Eve at the Red Lobster.  Van leaves at 11:30 a.m.

Church Office Closed for Christmas & New Years

The church office will be closed on the following dates:

  • Monday, Dec. 26 – Thursday, Dec. 29
  • Monday, Jan. 2