
Announcements – February 21, 2016

Lenten Mid-Week Dinner Church
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM
February 17-March 16
Children welcome!

This year for our mid-week services during the season of Lent, we’re trying something a bit different: “dinner church.” We’ll have a meal together, hear from our speaker, then pray and share communion, all around tables in the fellowship hall. Each week we’ll hear a member or friend of Faith share how they live out their faith in their daily lives. Learn more and sign up to help with dinner.

Mary Beth Allen Memorial Service
The memorial service will take place Saturday, February 27 at 2:00 p.m. at Faith and will be followed by a reception.

Mental Health and Wellness Breakfast
Saturday, February 27, 10:00 a.m.
Save the date for a very special informational breakfast open to everyone in the congregation and hosted by the Men of Faith. Our presenter will be a licensed clinical social worker from Arlington County, who will share information about Arlington County’s mental health resources. Faith’s own Liz Talley, author of More Than Bipolar: A Memoir of Acceptance and Hope, will also share her own experiences. Please register online so that we know how much food to prepare! Thanks!

Change to Moms with Babies Bible Study
The moms with babies Bible Study will now be meeting on the third Thursday of each month. The next Bible Study will be Thursday, March 17, at 9:45 a.m.

Volunteer at the Homeless Services Center
Once a month, Faith covers an evening shift at the Homeless Services Center near the Courthouse in Arlington. Two to three volunteers are needed to serve the meal and help out in the clothing room. The shift starts at 5:30 p.m. and last until about 7 p.m. Our next service date is next Today, February 21. To sign up contact Ginny or Cindy.

Save the Date: VBS – July 11 – 15
Vacation Bible School has been scheduled! Please mark your calendars. Registration will open April 1. We are already looking for volunteers to help with planning, and especially with teaching, Vacation Bible School. Contact Mary for more information.
Mission of the Month: AFAC
Please consider helping the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) by:

Donating Food: Items requested below can be placed in the bins marked AFAC in the Fellowship Hall. 40% of the food AFAC distributes is donated to them.

• Low sodium canned soup
• Low sodium tomato products (diced, paste, & sauce)
• Low sodium canned tuna
• Low sodium canned beans
• Low sugar cereal

Donating Funds: Please use the designated envelopes in the pews to contribute as you are able. You may also contribute online by clicking the “Give” button at www.flcva.org, or by scanning the QR code on the back of this bulletin. All designated funds collected in February will support AFAC’s Back Pack Buddy Program described below.

AFAC Backpack Buddies
The Backpack Buddies program runs year-round. AFAC coordinates with all of the Arlington Public Schools as well as several community centers, after-care programs, and summer camps to make sure all children in our community have the food they need after school, and over weekends and holidays by sending them home with backpacks filled with food. The children then return the backpacks on Monday morning, so that they can be filled and redistributed the following Friday.
The food for the Backpack Buddies program is more expensive than other food AFAC purchases for the families in our care because it is pre-packaged and prepared. AFAC estimates that the Backpack Buddies program costs approximately $7.50 per child, per week.

Giving Envelopes Are In
Unless you’ve been giving to Faith electronically, you should have received your giving envelopes for the first quarter in your mailbox at home. If you have not yet received envelopes, and think you should be receiving them, please email the finance team, or call the office at 703-525-9283. We may need to update your address!

Thrivent, Thanks for the Memories
The Arlington County of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will be hosting a dinner for all Thrivent members and their families on Saturday, March 5 from 5 – 7 p.m. The dinner will be held at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 825 S. Taylor Street, Arlington, VA. In addition to a catered dinner, we will share memories of the Arlington County Chapter before it closes on March 31. We will also have door prizes and giveaways. Children are welcome.

Please RSVP no later than Sunday, February 21 to Christopher Johnston, Chapter President, at 703-256-7646 or chris1223966@yahoo.com.