
Announcements – March 13, 2016

Welcome, Deacon Deb Haynes
Our guest preacher this Sunday is Deb Haynes, a recent graduate of Gettysburg Seminary and a Diaconal Minister awaiting first call in the Metro DC Synod. Diaconal Ministers are a Word and Service roster, meaning they are called to serve God where the church meets the world, often in service to the poor, the vulnerable and the marginalized. Deb is a member of Holy Trinity in Falls Church and first heard her call to ministry there as a volunteer in an emergency hypothermia shelter for the homeless in Fairfax County. She is still involved with the hypothermia program and an ELCA congregation inside the Maryland state prisons. Deb lives in Falls Church with her husband of twenty years and their teenage daughter.

Lenten Mid-Week Dinner Church
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM
February 17-March 16

Children welcome!

This year for our mid-week services during the season of Lent, we’re trying something a bit different: “dinner church.” We’ll have a meal together, hear from our speaker, then pray and share communion, all around tables in the fellowship hall. Each week we’ll hear a member or friend of Faith share how they live out their faith in their daily lives. To sign up to help with the dinners, please visit www.flcva.org/signup.

Preschool Announces New Program for Two-Year-Olds
This Fall, Faith Lutheran Preschool will offer a two-day class for 2-year-olds. This first year, only one class of 10 children will be admitted. The class will meet on Mondays and Fridays from 9:00 – 1:30 a.m. More details and an application are available at www.flcva.org/twos-class.

Mission of the Month: ELCA World Hunger
Working with and through Lutheran congregations all over the world, and with other partners, ELCA World Hunger responds to communities in need through their support of food pantries, homeless shelters, feeding programs, development and health projects, and education programs. More information about ELCA World Hunger can be found at www.elca.org/hunger.

Mission Quilters
The Mission Quilters will be meeting twice a month to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. No quilting or sewing experience is required – someone will show you how! The next meeting will be this afternoon, Sunday, March 13, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. in the undercroft (below the sanctuary). Feel free to bring a brown bag lunch at noon for food and fellowship before the work begins. To be added to the email list, or if you have questions, please email Rachel.

Upcoming XYZ Event
Tuesday, March 15, 11:00 a.m. – We will have lunch at Normandie Farm. The van leaves at 11:00 a.m.

Moms with Babies Bible Study
The moms with babies Bible Study will now be meeting on the third Thursday of each month. The next Bible Study will be Thursday, March 17, at 9:45 a.m.

Upcoming Young Adult Events

Sunday, March 20th, 12:30pm – Luncheon at Bilbo Baggins Restaurant. We’ll meet in fellowship hall and car pool to Old Town Alexandria to lunch together on Palm Sunday. Please email Greg.

Saturday, April 16th, 9:45am – Seven Hills of Bluemont Hike. We’ll hike a 5.5-mile lowland trail, which is especially beautiful in early spring, and has seven moderately steep climbs of 50 to 350 feet each. After the hike, we plan to visit a historic Loudoun county town and stay for dinner. Please email Greg to sign up or for more information.

Holy Week and Easter at Faith
It’s hard to believe that Holy Week is almost here! Here’s a handy schedule of events to help you stay organized. Don’t forget to dedication your Easter lilies – you can do that online, at www.flcva.org/lilies.

Sunday, March 20 – Palm/Passion Sunday
The southern gospel group, PromisedLand Quartet, will return on Palm Sunday to share music at all three services.

Thursday, March 24 – Maundy Thursday Worship at 7:30 p.m.

Friday, March 25 – Good Friday Worship at 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, March 26 – Families of Faith Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast, 9:00 am.
Join us for a Faith favorite! We’ll begin with a potluck breakfast at 9:00 a.m., followed by a family-friendly activity and Easter egg hunt on the grounds of Faith Lutheran Church. Feel free to bring friends and neighbors! Please RSVP by March 20 at www.flcva.org/easter-egg-hunt.

Sunday, March 27 – Easter
Traditional worship services at 8, 9:30 and 11. Easter breakfast starting at 9 a.m.

Garden Events
We’re gearing up for another great growing season in the garden! Work days are planned for Saturdays, April 2, May 7, June 4, July 2, August 6, September 3 and October 1.  This year, we’ll be setting up a “farm market” one Sunday per month, May – August, to sell extra produce at church. For details, and to sign up to help out with the garden, visit www.flcva.org/garden.

Save the Date: VBS – July 11 – 15
Vacation Bible School has been scheduled! Please mark your calendars. Registration will open April 1. We are already looking for volunteers to help with planning, and especially with teaching, Vacation Bible School. Contact Mary.

Faith Lutheran Church

3313 Arlington Blvd
Arlington, VA 22201

703.525.9283 (Church)
703.525.1375 (Preschool)

Worship Times

9 am Contemporary Worship

11 am Blended Traditional Worship with Livestream

We invite you to join us this Sunday.