
Announcements – May 8, 2016

Welcome, Chaplain Wester!
Pastor Eric Wester is a retired Army colonel and a Lutheran clergyman.  Chaplain Wester currently serves as Assistant to the Presiding Bishop and Director, Federal Chaplaincies for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, based in Washington DC.  He works directly for the presiding bishop of Lutherans in the United States. His pastoral work supports more than 200 chaplains and chaplain candidates in the military, Veterans Administration facilities, and federal prisons.

Pastor Yvette Away, May 5 – 9
Pastor Yvette, Bob and Holden are away until Tuesday morning. If you have a pastoral care emergency, please contact Pastor Anna Anderson of Advent Lutheran Church at 703-521-7010.

In Memoriam: Norma Musselman & Ragnar Overby
Faith grieves with the families of Ragnar Overby and Norma Musselman, who passed away April 26 and April 27, respectively. Funeral services will be held here at Faith:

Funeral & Reception: Ragnar Overby
Friday, May 13, 1:00 p.m.

Funeral & Reception: Norma Musselman
Saturday, May 21, 10:30 a.m.

Mission of the Month: Good News Jail & Prison Ministry
The Good News Jail & Prison Ministry provides for inmates a variety of religious programs, including one-on-one mentoring, Bible studies, religious services, and prayer ministry. Faith supports this ministry through financial gifts, with donations of inspirational and Christian texts, with volunteer time, and through attendance at their annual fundraising banquet. This year’s banquet will be held Thursday, May 19, 6:30 p.m. at Cherrydale Baptist Church (3910 Lorcom Lane). Faith will once again sponsor a table. If you would like one of the 10 tickets available, please contact Jim T.

Learn More About Lutheran Social Services – Over Breakfast!
Faith has sponsored a table at the “Expressions of Abundance Benefit Breakfast,” supporting Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area. You’ll hear from a refugee who has been helped by LSS/NCA, and have an opportunity to support our neighbors in need through your donations. Breakfast is free. The event takes place Wednesday, May 11, 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. If you’d like a seat at the table, please contact Pastor Yvette..

Orientation to Faith Lutheran: Sunday, May 22, 12:30 p.m.
Come join us for an in-depth look at Faith Lutheran Church and the Lutheran understanding of the Christian faith. This session is a great overview for people who plan to join Faith Lutheran, as well as for current members who would like a refresher! New members will be received on Sunday, June 5.

First Communion: Schedule Change
Is your child asking questions about communion? It might be time for First Communion class! The class will be held in two sessions: Saturday, June 4, 10 – 11;30 a.m. and Saturday, June 11, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. First Communion will then take place on Sunday, June 12. For more information, or to sign up, please contact Pastor Yvette at pastoryvette@flcva.org

First Friday Potluck
Our next all-church potluck will take place Friday, May 13 at 5:30 p.m. Come out for food, crafts, music, a message from Pastor Yvette and a good time! All ages are welcome.

Garden Events
We’re gearing up for another great growing season in the garden! Work days are planned for Saturdays, June 4, July 2, August 6, September 3 and October 1.  This year, we’ll be setting up a “farm market” one Sunday per month, May – August, to sell extra produce at church. For details, and to sign up to help out with the garden, visit www.flcva.org/garden.

Vacation Bible School – July 11 – 15
The VBS Staff is busy getting ready to catch the wave of God’s amazing love. Please help us “build” our surf shack! If you have any of the following items to donate or loan, we will happily accept:

  • Tiki torches
  • Hawaiian / beachy décor
  • Surf or boogie boards
  • Aquatic stuffed animals (fish, crabs, dolphins, etc)

We are still looking for at least one more adult who can be available to teach all of the days. If you’re able, please contact Mary Q.