Image Credit: Cindi Albright, retrieved from Flickr. License: CC BY-ND 2.0

Announcements – November 18, 2016


Mission of the Month

November’s Mission of the Month is A-SPAN (Arlington Street People’s Assistance Network), a community-based non-profit, which has supplied services to the homeless of Arlington for the past 25 years.  Arlington County’s Homeless Services Center (HSC) at Courthouse is operated by

A-SPAN under contract to the County.  The HSC provides a multitude of services under one roof 24/7, 365 days a year, a first for the DC Metro area and one of very few comparable facilities on the East Coast.  By consolidating all these components-housing, medical, shelter, meals, street outreach, employment and case management- the hope is to shorten the ultimate time between moving people from homelessness to homes.  For more information on A-SPAN, go to their website at: www.a-span.org.

Shopping Bags for Outdoor Ministry will be available for pickup today and for the rest of the month at the church entrances.  The bags will have a “shopping list” attached of all the clothing and personal care items we can put to good use in our outdoor ministry to the homeless. Donations can be placed in bins near the Jackson Street doors.

Homeless Bagged Meals Ministry
On every second Saturday of the month, we prepare simple meals in the kitchen and then later that day hand them out directly to our homeless neighbors at an outdoor location in North Arlington. You can help with shopping for the food, the meal preparation at 1:30 p.m., or the distribution of meals at 5:30 p.m. Contact Paul Wengert to get involved: poor.yorick@verizon.net

Faith Volunteers at the Arlington Homeless Services Center (HSC)
Volunteer days require 2-3 volunteers to serve the evening meal, monitor the clothing room, or assist staff with other tasks.  Please contact Ginny Paulus at virginia.paulus@gmail.com if you’d like to help.

Arlington Turkey Trot
Come run with Pastor Kate and Kris Finney before you gorge yourself on food on Thanksgiving Day! Bridges to Independence, our August Mission of the Month, is a beneficiary of the Turkey Trot. Register to run and help this wonderful organization while burning off a few calories in advance. For more information and to register, go to www.arlingtonvaturkeytrot.org.

Please Note that the church office will be closed on Thursday, November 24 and Friday, November 25 for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Guardians of the Cosmos:
Being a Christian in an Age of Doubt and Mystery
The series will conclude with a fourth Bible study on November 30th, at 8:30 p.m. Either join us for an hour at the church building or on Facebook Live.

To access the Facebook Live video, either go to our website and follow the link on the main page or head to www.facebook.com/flcarlington. Once on our Facebook page, the video should be in the feed as you scroll down. If you are not a Facebook user, you can still see the video. You will only need an account if you wish to comment on the video. Videos for the first three sessions are up and ready to be viewed.

Angel Trees are here!
Angel Trees are the December Mission of the Month!  Starting Sunday, November 20th and continuing through Sunday, December 25th, we are collecting items for the following local organizations:

  • Good News Jail & Prison Ministry
  • Arlington County Foster Care
  • More to come, please stay tuned!

Starting November 20th, visit the trees — located in the Fellowship Hall on the stage  — choose one or more tags, purchase the item(s) and place them unwrapped under the matching tree.  We’ll gather up the donations and deliver them to the correct organization.  Please note, one of the trees this year, Arlington County Foster Care (focusing on teens age 13 and up who make up over half of the kids in foster care) that will have a hard December 8 due date so presents can get to their annual party.  Let’s try to make sure that no child leaves that event with empty hands.

Questions?  Contact Becky Thomas at beckythomas4236@verizon.net.

XYZ Annapolis Trip
Thursday, December 1
The XYZ group will go to Annapolis, MD to tour the decorations at Homestead Nursery, followed by lunch and shopping at the Amish Market. The van will leave at 10:30 a.m.

Breakfast with Santa
Saturday December 3
9:30 a.m. -11:00 a.m.
Join Santa in the Fellowship Hall for holiday photos, breakfast treats, crafts & more.  Neighbors, friends, and family welcome. Please bring your own camera; $10 suggested donation per family to benefit Faith Lutheran Preschool.

Women of Faith Holiday Happy Hour
Thursday, December 8, 6:00 p.m.
Samuel Beckett’s – Shirlington
Please join us in celebrating the Christmas Season with a social event for the women of Faith (21 and over). Please contact Liz Schuch with any questions: lizabethdawn@hotmail.com

XYZ trip to the Bible Church Christmas Concert
Saturday, December 10
The XYZ group will attend a Christmas concert at the Bible Church in Springfield, then go to Silverado restaurant. Tickets are $5.00.  The van leaves at 1:00 p.m. for the 2:00 p.m. concert.