Announcements – November 4, 2016
A Friendly Reminder:
It’s time to turn back your clocks! Daylight Savings Time will end this Sunday at 2:00 a.m.
Gift Donations for Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) are still being accepted for another week. Please place your items in the large designated box in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you for caring!
Mission of the Month
November’s Mission of the Month is A-SPAN (Arlington Street People’s Assistance Network), a community-based non-profit, which has supplied services to the homeless of Arlington for the past 25 years. Arlington County’s Homeless Services Center (HSC) at Courthouse is operated by
A-SPAN under contract to the County. The HSC provides a multitude of services under one roof 24/7, 365 days a year, a first for the DC Metro area and one of very few comparable facilities on the East Coast. By consolidating all these components-housing, medical, shelter, meals, street outreach, employment and case management- the hope is to shorten the ultimate time between moving people from homelessness to homes. For more information on A-SPAN, go to their website at:
Shopping Bags for Outdoor Ministry will be available for pickup this Sunday and for the rest of the month at the church entrances. The bags will have a “shopping list” attached of all the clothing and personal care items we can put to good use in our outdoor ministry to the homeless. Donations can be placed in bins near the Jackson Street doors
Homeless Bagged Meals Ministry
Next Saturday and every second Saturday of the month, we prepare simple meals in the kitchen and then later that day hand them out directly to our homeless neighbors at an outdoor location in North Arlington. You can help with shopping for the food, the meal preparation at 1:30 p.m., or the distribution of meals at 5:30 p.m Contact Paul Wengert to get involved:
Faith Volunteers at the Arlington Homeless Services Center (HSC)
Volunteer days require 2-3 volunteers (from 5:30 p.m. to around 7:00 p.m.) to serve the evening meal, monitor the clothing room, or assist staff with other tasks. Please consider putting yourself on a list for future consideration by contacting Ginny Paulus:
Guardians of the Cosmos:
Being a Christian in an Age of Doubt and Mystery
Join us for a four-week Bible Study as we explore what it means to be a Christian in an age of doubt and mystery. Using Guardians of the Galaxy as a metaphor, we’ll unpack the apostle Paul’s claim that we are “servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries” (1 Corinthians 4:1). The series continues November 9th, 16th and 30th, at 8:30 p.m. Either join us for an hour at the church building or on Facebook Live.
To access the Facebook Live video, either go to our website and follow the link on the main page or head to Once on our Facebook page, the video should be in the feed as you scroll down. If you are not a Facebook user, you can still see the video. You will only need an account if you wish to comment on the video.
The XYZ group will take Blankets to Lutheran World Relief in New Windsor, MD on Tuesday, November 15th. The van leaves at 10:30 a.m.
Richmond Town and Country Hike.
Saturday, November 12th, 10:00 a.m.
We’ll meet at Faith and then drive together to Richmond where we’ll have lunch, and then hike Belle Isle in the James River just outside the city. Afterward, we may see more in town before heading home. Please email Greg Mantell at to sign up or for more information.
Arlington Turkey Trot
Come run with Pastor Kate and Kris Finney before you gorge yourself on food on Thanksgiving Day! Bridges to Independence, our August Mission of the Month, is a beneficiary of the Turkey Trot. Register to run and help this wonderful organization while burning off a few calories in advance. For more information and to register, go to