
Announcements: September 25, 2016

Mission of the Month: Village of Hope
September’s Mission of the Month is the Village of Hope (VoH), a Christian fundraising organization committed to supporting programs and ministries in Haiti that promote excellence in education, spiritual growth and primary health care. To that end, VoH funds a school for 640 students and a health center which provides health care, food, immunizations, health education and midwifery. To learn more about VoH, visit their website.

You can support Village of Hope by praying for their ministry, giving to them through Faith’s mission of the month program, sponsoring a child, or going on a mission trip. Donate to the mission of the month by using the special mission offering envelopes in the pews or online at www.flcva.org.

Blessing of the Animals, Saturday, October 1, 10 a.m.
Gather in the upper parking lot off Jackson Street for a special service of blessing for our animal companions. All pet varieties are welcome on a leash, in a crate, in a bowl, or other habitat/container as appropriate.

First Friday Family Potluck, October 7, 5:30 p.m.
It’s Taco Friday! Join the Families of Faith for a Taco Bar, fellowship, and activities on Friday, October 7 in the Fellowship Hall. Sign up online at http://tinyurl.com/TacoBarFriday to bring something to the potluck and help set or clean up. All ages are welcome!

Sunday School
Sunday School classes are held from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. Please note the new time! PreK – grade 3 students should go directly to their classrooms downstairs, and grades 4/5 should report to the Lounge at 9:30. All classes will return to worship at 10:15 to participate in the offering, children’s message, and Communion.

Young Adult Firepit Theology, Friday, September 30, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Come sit around the fire at Pastor Kate’s house (the 1st Street parsonage), roast marshmallows, make s’mores, and talk about God. The conversation will be casual and Pastor Kate will have some questions to get the conversation started and keep it going. Bring your own beverages and a comfy chair to sit in.

Young Adult Oktoberfest, Saturday, October 22, 4:30 – 7:30 p.m.
We’ll gather at Pastor Kate’s house (the parsonage on 1st Street) for brats and a good time. Not only will we fill ourselves with food and drink, but we’ll also take time to wrestle with a semi-spiritual question together. Brats, buns, and condiments will be provided. BYOB and/or a side dish to share.

Upcoming XYZ (Xtra Years of Zest) Events
Tuesday, October 4, 10:30 a.m. departure from the parking lot for a trip to the Shamrock Restaurant and Catoctin Orchard.

Tuesday, October 18, 11:30 a.m., Oktoberfest at Pastor Kate’s (1st Street parsonage). Brats, buns, and condiments will be provided. BYOB and/or a side dish to share.

Stray Kitchen Items Need Good Homes
There is a growing collection of stray water bottles, containers, etc., that people have left in the kitchen. Please stop by and retrieve your items by October 10, after which remainders will be donated.

Faith’s Athletic Department Needs Your Help!
Faith has a large collection of playground balls, volleyballs, and basketballs that are partially or completely deflated. If you own an air pump, please help by taking some home to inflate and then return by next weekend. The balls are in mesh bags located under the green cover in a bin next to the Fellowship Hall stage.

Employment Opportunity at Columbia Gardens
Faith’s neighbor, Columbia Memorial Park (Columbia Gardens Cemetery), is seeking a bilingual (English/Spanish) receptionist/administrative assistant. For more information or a position description, please contact the manager at (703) 527-1235.