
Caring for Our Church

Whoever you are, there’s a place for you here. Visit our events page to find out when these groups are next meeting!


Families of Faith
Launched in 2011, Families of Faith is a ministry geared toward families with children who are elementary school-age or younger. Throughout the year, there will be six to eight events for parents and young children. Annual Families of Faith events include a Birthday Party for Jesus during Advent, and an Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast the Saturday before Easter.

New! First Fridays Potluck – Each month, the Families of Faith will get together on the first Friday at 5:30 p.m. for dinner, crafts and other activities.

Moms & Babies Playgroup
Mothers and their infant (under 2-years) children are invited to get together for play time. The Moms & Babies group typically meets once a month in the home of a member. For details about the group and upcoming play-dates, please email Mary K.


High School & Middle School Youth Groups
Throughout the year, Faith’s high school & middle school students and their friends get together for fun. Activities have included ice-skating, bowling, hiking trips and movies, dinners and lock-ins at the church. For more information about Faith’s youth programs, contact Pastor Yvette.

Young Adults

When you come to Faith, you will meet and build community with a smart, interesting, vibrant group of community-minded young adults (age 18 to 39) just like you, who are seeking to know God, make new friends and deepen their faith practice.

If you’re a young adult seeking a vibrant and diverse faith community and wishing to build relationships with other young professionals, students and graduate students, singles and couples, you are welcome to participate in Faith’s Young Adult ministry. Faith’s Young Adults group meets twice a month: once at 5 p.m. on a Saturday at the parsonage or someone’s house or apartment, and one weekday evening at a local coffee shop. For more information, or to get updates on Young Adult events, email the coordinators.

YAG: Young Adult Gathering
The monthly Saturday gathering (or YAG — Young Adult Gathering) typically involves social time (wine and cheese, snacks and other beverages) and then a time of getting to know one another better and sharing something along seasonal lines (what we are thankful for at Thanksgiving, the greatest gifts we have received at Christmas, etc.)

YACC: Young Adult Coffee and Conversation
For the weekday event (YACC – Young Adult Coffee and Conversation),  we  select a topic or issue to discuss, and Pastor Brian e-mails in advance information on it or an article to read. (Note: All are welcome to participate, even if you didn’t read the article.)


The Men of Faith is a group of Faith Lutheran Church men who gather for coffee, fellowship, dialogue and prayer The Men of Faith meet regularly through an activity club for social events, and at the Men’s Breakfast.

Right now, the Men of Faith group is looking for someone (or some-two) to help organize social events.

Men’s Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast is always held in the Fellowship Hall.. Breakfast may be brought or prepared in the church kitchen. Please let us know if you’d like to help cook!

Men’s Activity Club
Stay tuned! We especially like to attend sporting events.


As a community of women, created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, women of faith commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.

Lydia Circle
The Lydia Circle is a women’s group that meets in the evening of the second Monday of the month at church or in members’ homes for Bible study, conversation and prayer. Visitors and new members are welcome at any time! Gifts and Thankofferings from church units help to support Lutheran World Relief, other local and national charities, and grants/scholarships for worthy recipients. If you would like to start another women’s circle for another day or time, please contact Paulette.

Women’s Social Activity Group
Get to know other women in the congregation better through fun social activities! The women’s social activity group needs a better name – and your ideas for activities! Contact Pastor Yvette (or the next event coordinator) if you’re interested in joining in the fun.

Other Resources for Lutheran Women
Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
Synodical Women’s Organization
Gather, a magazine for Lutheran women
Café, e-zine for young women


Faith’s XYZ Group (which stands for “eXtra Years of Zest”!) is designed to provide Christian fellowship for the young-at-heart folks in their 50’s–and there is no maximum age!

The XYZ group, now in its 34th year, meets usually once or twice a month throughout the year—going to restaurants, local orchards, plays, concerts and even shopping! Participants are mostly of the 50+ group (but the only requirement is that they must be young at heart!). For more information, call Carolyn at 703.671.0312.