Caring for Our Neighborhood
Homeless Outreach
In partnership with the Arlington Street People’s Assistance Network (A-SPAN), Faith reaches out to the most vulnerable members of our community. Get involved in Faith’s homeless outreach ministry!
Bagged Meal Program
On the second Saturday of every month, Faith members prepare meals in the kitchen, and then deliver them directly to our homeless neighbors at two outdoor locations in North Arlington.
Meal Prep: 1:00 p.m. (fun for the whole family!)
Meal Delivery: 5:30 p.m.
Clothing Collection and Distribution
Over the years, Faith has been expanding its ministry to Arlington’s homeless beyond the primary and essential food that is served. We started offering travel-sized toiletries, and then all types of new and gently used, clean clothing. For those without easily accessible showers or washing machines, new socks and underwear are especially appreciated. Clothing is collected year-round in the Fellowship Hall, and delivered alongside the bagged meals.
Homeless Services Center
For more than 10 years, Faith has sent volunteers to staff the Emergency Winter Shelter. Now that Arlington has opened the year-round Homeless Services Center, Faith covers one evening shift per month all year long. Faith’s shifts will be posted on the church calendar, but you can always volunteer on your own by contacting the EWS Volunteer Coordinator at 703.228.9375.
Food Assistance
Food Collection for Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC)
Faith is always collecting non-perishable food items to donate to the AFAC food pantry. AFAC currently distributes over 80,000 pounds of food to nearly 2,000 families each week, and their numbers continue to grow. Best foods to donate:
- cooking oil in plastic bottles
- small bags of flour
- canned proteins (tuna, chicken, salmon
- low-sugar cereals
- low-sodium soups
- peanut butter in plastic jars
Collection boxes are located in the Fellowship Hall.
Faith’s Plot Against Hunger
In 2012, Faith teamed up with the Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) and Home Depot to install a vegetable garden. Since 2012, more than 200 lbs of produce have been harvested and donated to our local food pantry.
To help us along, we have received a grant from Arlington County to not only expand our garden, but to incorporate community education about the importance (and fun) of taking care of God’s creation. All Garden Workshops are free and open to the public.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry has become an important and valuable discipleship at Faith Lutheran Church, a way of providing timely and effective Christian care to fellow Faith members in crisis situations.
For Stephen Ministers, the study and practice of providing Stephen Ministry is demanding in terms of their sacrifice of time and effort, but also rewarding, in terms of their personal fulfillment and spiritual growth. Stephen Ministry is truly a satisfying discipleship!
Faith’s Stephen Ministers are extensively trained to provide Christian compassion and care to individuals who are experiencing crisis or challenges, such as illness, grief, stress, loneliness, family strife and more.
Volunteer with Us:
If you are interested in more information about this very special program or would like to consider joining the next group of Stephen Minster candidates, please contact one of the pastors.
Contact Us:
If you or someone you know is going through a difficult time and would benefit from the care and compassion of a Stephen Minister, please contact Pastor Yvette.