
Caring for Our World

In response, we share our gifts and talents to address the root causes of poverty and hunger around the world, and to meet human needs in ways that are important to our congregation.

Mexico Scholarship Fund

The Mexico Scholarship Fund benefits youth living in Lomas de Poleo, a small village just west of Juarez, Mexico. The Scholarship Fund makes it possible for these students to continue in school beyond the elementary age, when many Mexican youth cannot afford further schooling and thus begin working at very low-paying jobs.

US-Mexico Border Immersion Trips

The Border Ministry of Cristo Rey Lutheran Church (ELCA), our partner-congregation in El Paso, Texas, seeks to educate participants about border issues through shared learning, experience, work and prayer. Here at the intersections of cultures, languages and nations you will encounter spiritual, emotional, political and justice issues that challenge, inspire and deepen understanding and faith. Border immersion trips are organized annually through Faith. If you would like to participate in one of these trips, email Pastor Yvette.

Village of Hope Lazarus Project

Village of Hope Lazarus Project, founded by a group of pastors in 1995, supports a variety of missions in the Ganthier region of Haiti, including a the Village of Hope School, and a  Health Center. Faith supports VoHLP primarily through the Christmas Kit project, and through mission trips and financial giving.

Fair Trade

Faith serves fairly traded coffee during the coffee hour between services. When we drink Fair Trade coffee during, our fellowship extends beyond our church walls all the way to the farmers who brought the coffee to us.