Join us for five weeks on Wednesday evenings beginning March 8 as we explore some of the core ideas of the Lutheran tradition. We’ll examine what it means to follow Jesus through a Lutheran lens; particularly how that looks as we learn to be faithful disciples 500 years after Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses. (If you have no idea what this means, that’s cool too – we’ll cover it!)
Each week we’ll meet to share a simple meal at 6:30 PM at the church. Around 7:00 PM we’ll break into small groups to consider Grace, Baptism, Scripture, Holy Communion, and Theology of the Cross. We’ll end our time together with prayer and a brief service of communion.
Are you interested, but not able to make it in person on Wednesday nights? We’ve got you covered! We’re looking to put together a small group that would meet over Google Hangouts (free live video chat) at a time that works for all in the group. You’ll have the same material and consider the same questions as we do at our Wednesday gatherings; you’ll just be getting together with your group in a different way.
Photo courtesy of Clint. Creative Commons License.