

“Great is thy faithfulness!” sings a favorite hymn. We encounter God’s faithfulness whenever God meets us in baptismal waters, in bread and cup, in the word proclaimed, and in sins forgiven. On the other hand, our culture often frames faith as something we force into existence by sheer willpower: “Just have a little faith!” If our faith is a manifestation of God’s own faithfulness instead, then it is communal. It is tied to regular practices, and it asks us to show ourselves to God, just like God shows Godself to us.

Accompanying Scripture:
1 Samuel 1:4-20 , 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Mark 13:1-8

Good News
Good News

Faith Lutheran Church

3313 Arlington Blvd
Arlington, VA 22201

703.525.9283 (Church)
703.525.1375 (Preschool)

Worship Times

9 am Contemporary Worship

11 am Blended Traditional Worship with Livestream

We invite you to join us this Sunday.