
Archives: Episode

Love, Actually

[image_frame style=”framed” align=”left” alt=”Le Cantique des cantiques III, 1960. Chagall.” title=”Le Cantique des cantiques III, 1960. Chagall.” height=”145″ width=”205″]https://flcva.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/cantique-des-cantiques-iii.jpeg[/image_frame]

God’s presence comes to us through ordinary human experiences.

Sermon (August 30, 2015): Love, Actually

Accompanying scripture references:
Song of Solomon 2:8 – 13, Mark 7:1 – 8, 14 – 15, 21 – 23 

Good News
Good News
Love, Actually

Do You Also Want to Leave?

[image_frame style=”framed” align=”left” alt=”Ordinary 21, by John Stuart, stushieart.com” title=”Ordinary 21, by John Stuart. stushieart.com (used with permission)” height=”265″ width=”205″]https://flcva.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/3835213626_9d1d68781f_z.jpg[/image_frame]

Sermon (August 23, 2015): Do You Also Want to Leave?

Many of Jesus’ followers are abandoning him, then as today.  HIs question to his closest disciples is one also addressed to us today: “Do you also want to go away?”

Accompanying Gospel text: John 6:56 – 69
Good News
Good News
Do You Also Want to Leave?


[image_frame style=”framed” align=”left” height=”229″ width=”205″]https://flcva.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Icon1_Color_042.jpg[/image_frame]

Secrets hurt us in so many ways.  Jesus gives us the courage to see and speak the truth.

Sermon (August 16, 2015): Secrets

Accompanying Gospel text: Matthew 10:24 – 33

Good News
Good News

Coming Home

[image_frame style=”framed” align=”left” alt=”The Return of the Prodigal Son, 1669. Rembrandt. ” title=”The Return of the Prodigal Son, 1669. Rembrandt.” height=”252″ width=”205″]https://flcva.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/the-return-of-the-prodigal-son-1669.jpg[/image_frame]

We all want to feel comfortable going home, but pain and misunderstanding can make that difficult. The Gospel shows us the way of grace and repentance that makes homecoming possible.

Sermon (August 9, 2015): Coming Home

Accompanying Gospel text: Luke 15:1 – 3, 11b – 32

Good News
Good News
Coming Home

Abide in God’s Love

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”left” alt=”Endless Road, 1971. Hofheinz-Doring, Margret, 1910-1994.” title=”Endless Road, 1971. Hofheinz-Doring, Margret, 1910-1994.”]https://flcva.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/margret-hofheinz-doring-medium-e1431376534944.jpg[/image_frame]

Sermon (May 10, 2015): Abide in God’s Love

You are the one Jesus loves. God’s grace is always with you. As one of God’s children, you are not alone.

Accompanying Gospel text: John 15:9 – 17

Good News
Good News
Abide in God's Love

Hope and Healing: But Not Yet

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”left” alt=”Lamentation (detail), 1304-06. Giotto” title=”Lamentation(detail), 1304-06. Giotto” height=”265″ width=”205″]https://flcva.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/GiottiLamentation.jpg[/image_frame]

Sermon (March 22, 2015): Hope and Healing: But Not Yet

There is no shortcut through many of the forms of suffering we  encounter and endure in this life.  Healing is promised: but sometimes it takes a long time.

Accompanying Gospel text: John 12:20 – 33

Good News
Good News
Hope and Healing: But Not Yet

The Cross Way

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”left” alt=””Christ Carrying the Cross.” Ivory panel. Late Roman, A.D. 420-430″ title=””Christ Carrying the Cross.” Ivory panel. Late Roman, A.D. 420-430″ height=”205″ width=”205″]https://flcva.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/carrying-the-cross.jpg[/image_frame]

Sermon (March 1, 2015): The Cross Way

In the end our calling means a way of living we choose on a daily basis, intent on following Jesus and the way he lived, as best we can.

Final installment in a four-part sermon series, “The Cost and Call of Discipleship.”

Accompanying Gospel text: Mark 8:31 – 38

Good News
Good News
The Cross Way

When “Yes” Turns to “No”

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”left” height=”242″ width=”205″]https://flcva.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/christs-temptation-in-the-wilderness-montreal.jpg[/image_frame]

Sermon (February 22, 2015): When “Yes” Turns to “No”

Part of our calling is to try to discern the will of God in the various situations of our life, but sometime what looks like a “no” can become a “yes,” and sometimes what looks like a “yes” can become a “no.”

Third in a four-part sermon series, “The Cost and Call of Discipleship.”

Accompanying Gospel text: Mark 1:9 – 15

Good News
Good News
When "Yes" Turns to "No"

When the Going Gets Tough

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”left” height=”200″ width=”205″]https://flcva.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Jesus-heals-woman.jpg[/image_frame]

Sermon (February 1, 2015): When the Going Gets Tough

While a new sense of call is in many ways exhilarating, sometimes the challenge can seem daunting.

Second in a four-part sermon series, “The Cost and Call of Discipleship.”

Accompanying Gospel text: Mark 1:21 – 28

Good News
Good News
When the Going Gets Tough

Daring to Say, “Yes”

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”left” height=”168″ width=”205″]https://flcva.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/FishersMen.jpg[/image_frame]

Sermon (January 25, 1025): Daring to Say, “Yes”

There are many ways in which God calls us, and the first task is understand what those ways are, and then to dare to say “yes.”

First in a four-part sermon series, “The Cost and Call of Discipleship.”

Accompanying Gospel text: Mark 1:14 – 20
Good News
Good News
Daring to Say, "Yes"