Wedding at Cana
This week, we hear again the story of Jesus’s first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding of Cana. As the story unfolds, Jesus’s mother tells him, “They have no wine,” as she implores him to do something about it. But what if it’s not at all about the wine, but rather that they have no joy? Because when the wine runs out, so does the party, and the joy of a wedding feast ends. They have no joy. This past year has been one in which we may have pleaded this very thing to Jesus many times, beginning a year ago today. “We have no joy,” because we witnessed an insurrection at the Capitol, violating a place many in our community work or have worked. We have no joy because of the pain and grief that weighed on multiple Capitol Police Officers, some even paying the ultimate cost. We have no joy because in the months afterward, we have continued to sway from plan to plan amid the uncertainty of an ongoing pandemic and the desire to return to life together. Listen as Pastor Kate considers how as we plead with Jesus that we have no joy, Jesus provides an answer. |
Accompanying Scripture:
Psalm 104:14-16, John 2:1-11
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