
Saved from What – for What?

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”left” title=”Good Shepherd Mosaic, 5th c.; Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna, Italy.” height=”144″ width=”205″]https://flcva.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/GoodShepherd21.jpg[/image_frame]Second in a five-part series, “Why Christianity?”

We are saved from the anxiety of believing that we are ultimately alone, and our lives are without meaning and purpose. We are saved for the “abundant” life of friendship, community and love God intended for us.

Sermon (September 21, 2014): Saved from What – for What?

Scripture readings:
Jonah 3:10 — 4:11; Philippians 1:21 – 30; John 10:7 – 15

Good News
Good News
Saved from What - for What?

Sermon Series, Why Christianity

Faith Lutheran Church

3313 Arlington Blvd
Arlington, VA 22201

703.525.9283 (Church)
703.525.1375 (Preschool)

Worship Times

9 am Contemporary Worship

11 am Blended Traditional Worship with Livestream

We invite you to join us this Sunday.