Announcements – July 24, 2016
Guest Pastor Today: Rev. Rich Zawistowski
Pastor Rich was born and raised in Baltimore, and served three different parishes in SD. Pastor Rich has spent most of his ministry in Campus Ministry at University of Northern Colorado and Indiana University. He later served as Assistant to the Bishop in Indiana Kentucky Synod, then in Churchwide offices as Associate Director for Campus Ministry. Recently, Pastor Rich has served as an interim associate pastor and as a hospital chaplain. The birth of their twin granddaughters brought Pastor Rich and his wife back to this area, where he is serving as a confirmation pastor at Saint Luke in Silver Spring. Welcome!
Mission of the Month: Ciudad Juarez Ministry
Doctora Mendóza-Bruce provides health services and education to vulnerable people in Juarez. She also assists 95 students in all grade levels with school scholarships. Her ministries rely solely on donations and volunteers. More detailed information is available in the summer issue of the Key.
You can give to the mission of the month by using the special mission offering envelopes in the pews or online.
Summer Sunday School
Throughout the summer, families with Sunday School-age children are invited to bring children directly to the Fellowship Hall before the 9:30 service. There, we’ll have a variety of fun activities planned. Then children will join their parents in worship during the offering. Schedule of Summer Sunday School offerings
Upcoming XYZ Events
• Tuesday, August 2. 11 a.m. – We will be taking the van to Gainesville to have lunch at the Golden Corral.
• Tuesday, August 16, 11:30 a.m. – It’s time for lunch at the Longhorn Restaurant at Bailey’s Crossroads!
Family Movie Night
Saturday, August 13, 7:30 p.m.—Come enjoy a movie under the stars. Bring a blanket or chair and enjoy a family-friendly move (TBD) at the Quattlebaums’ house (contact the office for the address). Popcorn and lemonade will be provided. RSVP
Garden Update
More work days are planned for Saturdays August 6, September 3 and October 1. This year, we’ll be setting up a “farm market” one Sunday per month, May – August, to sell extra produce at church. Sign up here