
Daniel’s Hope in God

Our world is full of tension: so often we are stuck between doing what we want and what we know is right. For the prophet Daniel, tension rose as his faith – his hope – was tested. As we begin a new season in the church year – Advent – we find ourselves waiting and hoping in the tension of this pandemic life. But we have a God who waits with us, a God who abides in the tension with us. On this first week of Advent, we hold onto hope.

Accompanying Scripture:
Daniel 6:6-27, Luke 23:1-5

Good News
Good News
Daniel's Hope in God

Faith Lutheran Church

3313 Arlington Blvd
Arlington, VA 22201

703.525.9283 (Church)
703.525.1375 (Preschool)

Worship Times

9 am Contemporary Worship

11 am Blended Traditional Worship with Livestream

We invite you to join us this Sunday.