
Speaker: Intern Pastor Miriam Hanson

Peter Sinks in the Water

This week we hear the story of Peter’s attempt to walk across the water to Jesus, only to take one step onto the water and then begin to sink. Peter’s confidence unravels right there in the wind and the waves. Fortunately for him and for us, Jesus is there, the boat is there, his friends are there. Listen as Intern Pastor Miriam explores how while time and time again the past year-and-a-half has left us sinking in doubt and uncertainty, God is with us, ready to steady us with an outstretched hand.

Accompanying Scripture:
Matthew 14:22-33

Good News
Good News
Peter Sinks in the Water

Three in One

This week was Trinity Sunday, a day during the liturgical year where we remember that God meets us in three persons. We hear the story of the prophet Isaiah’s vision of God’s holiness, where the First Person of the Trinity is depicted with great and awesome power, so much so that Isaiah is overcome and even worried. It is difficult to wrap our minds around a god who is both one being and yet has three persons. Yet, perhaps one of the greatest benefits is having a god who we can relate to in multiple ways: as one with unimaginable power, as our friend who walks with us, as a rushing wind that blows and shapes our world every day. Listen as Intern Pastor Miriam explores the Trinity and how we might experience God and share our faith in many ways.

Accompanying Scripture:
Isaiah 6:1-8, John 3:1-17

Good News
Good News
Three in One

Living by Faith

This week we find the early church debating a pretty important issue: How do we know for sure that we’re in God’s good graces? How do we know if we’re doing enough to stay there? The apostle Paul has another idea: Perhaps instead of hustling to do the most, we can focus more on the community of God’s children around us. Listen as Intern Pastor Miriam explores these questions and the ways we can show gratitude for God’s love and grace.

Accompanying Scripture:
Galatians 1:13-17; 2:11-21, Luke 18:9-14

Good News
Good News
Living by Faith

Ethiopian Eunuch Baptized

This week we hear the story of the baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch. This story doesn’t get quite the same status and attention in our baptismal teachings as say, Noah or the Samaritan woman. His story is complicated. He lives on the margins of society and is often excluded and primed for rejection. It’s no secret: our lives are also full of complications. Listen as Intern Pastor Miriam explores how in a world of complications God teaches us a new reality of love and acceptance.

Accompanying Scripture:
Acts 8:26-39, Luke 24:44-47

Good News
Good News
Ethiopian Eunuch Baptized

Emmaus Road

This week, some disciples can’t recognize the man they called Messiah only three days prior, and Jesus spends a whole day with them pretending not to know anything about the trauma that has gone down in Jerusalem. Here we see Jesus’s prankster side and we give thanks for laughter during these days that seem serious and uncertain. Listen as Intern Pastor Miriam explores how the story of the road to Emmaus reminds us that even in grief there is room for humor, and that even the Son of God liked to joke around.

Accompanying Scripture:
Psalm 30, Luke 24:13-35

Good News
Good News
Emmaus Road

Triumphal Entry

While this Sunday we celebrate “Palm Sunday,” when we hear the story of Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem from the Gospel of Luke, there aren’t any palm branches mentioned. There aren’t any “Hosannas!” proclaimed either. In fact, as Jesus nears the city, he stops and weeps over it, grieving that the people did not recognize God among them. It’s a far cry from the story we usually think of on Palm Sunday, full of excitement and joy from the people and Jesus alike. Yet, perhaps it is a more relatable Palm Sunday, one that matches the mood of spending a second Holy Week in relative isolation, weighed down by the sorrows of a year-long pandemic. Listen as Intern Pastor Miriam explores how we can recognize God among us despite our grief and pain.

Accompanying Scripture:
Psalm 118:1-18, Luke 19:24-44

Good News
Good News
Triumphal Entry

Rich Man and Lazarus

As much as we shy away from conversations about money, most of us can admit to dreaming about all the things we could do if only we had a little more of it. This week, Jesus tells the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, offering a stark contrast between those who have and those who do not. Listen as Intern Pastor Miriam explores what this parable has to teach us, many of whom are stuck somewhere in the middle between rich and poor. Are we destined to be stuck in the middle forever? 

Audio clip, “Money, Money Money.” (Abba) – Mama Mia + Lyrics, YouTube, uploaded by Ine RP Braat, 4 October, 2017, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IbYDCIFTOME.

Accompanying Scripture:
Psalm 41:1-3, Luke 16:19-31

Good News
Good News
Rich Man and Lazarus

Lament over Jerusalem

This week Jesus has some difficult conversations with people about sin: Are some sins worse than others? Can we sin just a little bit, or is it all or nothing? Jesus then tells the parable of the fig tree, reminding us that our God is a god of second chances. Listen as Intern Pastor Miriam, in the introspective spirit of Lent, considers where have we fallen short this week and what will we do with our second (or third, or fourth, or fifth) chance?

Accompanying Scripture:
Psalm 122, Luke 13:1-9, 31-35

Good News
Good News
Lament over Jerusalem


In this week’s lesson, we hear the story of Jesus’s transfiguration, where, up on a mountain, Jesus’s face shines like the sun and his clothes become dazzling white; God’s divine presence peeks through. But what does this transfiguration really mean? And what difference does it make for us? Listen as Intern Pastor Miriam explores how God is active both on the dazzling mountain top and in the confusing low places of life.

Accompanying Scripture:
Psalm 36:5-10, Luke 9:28-45

Good News
Good News

Healing on the Sabbath

This week Jesus and his disciples create a stir as they are seen working on the sabbath day, violating the Third Commandment. Like sheep who are fenced into a pen for protection and containment, the commandments exist to create order in the community and to keep people safe. Listen as Intern Pastor Miriam explores how Jesus’s work forces the community – and us – to consider what happens when our fences and laws become too rigid.

Accompanying Scripture:
Psalm 92, Luke 6:1-16

Good News
Good News
Healing on the Sabbath

Faith Lutheran Church

3313 Arlington Blvd
Arlington, VA 22201

703.525.9283 (Church)
703.525.1375 (Preschool)

Worship Times

9 am Contemporary Worship

11 am Blended Traditional Worship with Livestream

We invite you to join us this Sunday.