
Speaker: Rev. Tara Spuhler McCabe

Seventh Sunday of Easter

On this final Sunday of Easter, we hear this last piece of Jesus’s farewell to the disciples where Jesus moves from lecture to prayer. At a time when it would be understandable for Jesus to be worried about himself, he is thinking and praying for the disciples and for us. In prayer, Jesus asks that we are one. And this continues to be our prayer- not that we would all be the same but that we will continue to remember our common love in Christ and the call to love one another.

Accompanying Scripture:
Psalm 1, John 17 

Good News
Good News
Seventh Sunday of Easter

With You God is Well Pleased!

This week we hear the story of Jesus’ baptism. Listen as Guest Preacher Tara Spuhler McCabe explores the state of organized religion in our area and how the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism connects us to each other and the spirit of God’s love, grace and forgiveness.

Accompanying Scripture:
Isaiah 42:1-9 ; Matthew 3:13-17 

Good News
Good News
With You God is Well Pleased!