
Through the Storm

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”left” title=”Walking on Water, Alexander Ivanov, c. 1855″ height=”206″ width=”300″]https://flcva.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/walking-on-water-christ-saves-peter-began-to-sink.jpg[/image_frame]

Sermon (August 10, 2014): Through the Storm

There are times when being outside the boat is not a scary adventure, but just plain scary. At those most challenging times, God is with us, ready to reach out a hand and pull us out of the waves.

Preaching: Rev. Shannon Anderson

Scripture readings:
Genesis 37: 1–4, 12–28; Psalm 105; Romans 10:5 – 15; Matthew 14:22 – 31

Good News
Good News
Through the Storm

anxiety, challenges, hope, love, St. Peter