Our challenging text this week is the book of Job. In this book we see Job and his friends struggle with the question of why God permits evil in the world. Hint: It is not because God is mad at you. |
Accompanying Scripture:
Job 1:13-22
Our challenging text this week is the book of Job. In this book we see Job and his friends struggle with the question of why God permits evil in the world. Hint: It is not because God is mad at you. |
Accompanying Scripture:
Job 1:13-22
The challenging scripture we are looking at this week is Ezra chapters 9 and 10. Returning from exile brings challenges for everyone and a difficult decision is made about wives of the exiles. Is it surprising or not that not one woman is heard from on the issue? |
Accompanying Scripture:
Ezra 9: 1-4
This week’s story from the last chapter of Judges forces us to ask whether reprehensible actions are justified when faced with the possibility of extinction. Or is this really all about God not wanting to give the Israelites the king they longed for? |
Accompanying Scripture:
Judges 21:1-7-6
Sometimes called the Battle Hymn of the Reformation, the hymn we will focus on this week, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, was written by Martin Luther. He is quoted as saying “music is next to theology.” Listen as Pastor Susanne considers what he thought about music in worship and what he might think about the way we worship today. |
Accompanying Scripture:
Psalm 150:3-6
The hymn we are focusing on this week, “Eternal Father, Strong to Save,” can bring comfort in the times of trouble we all experience. Based in part on Psalm 107, it leads us back to the last line of that Psalm, “Let those who are wise give heed to these things, and consider the steadfast love of the Lord.” |
Accompanying Scripture:
Psalm 107
The song we will focus on this week, “When Peace Like a River” has a refrain of “It is well with my soul.” Listen as Pastor Susanne explores how singing can help our bodies, minds and souls. |
Accompanying Scripture:
1 Corinthians 14:13-15
Long a staple in Lutheran hymnody, our featured hymn this week, “Beautiful Savior,” has a lot to say about our understanding of Jesus. |
Accompanying Scripture:
Isaiah 9: 6-7
“Amazing Grace.” How do we know God in the words of this beloved song? We begin our July series on beloved hymns and songs with a hymn from someone who went from being involved in the Atlantic slave trade to working as an abolitionist. |
Accompanying Scripture:
Romans 5: 1-5
We finish up our brief summer series of kids’ books with one last book about communion. We don’t invite people to the table, Jesus does. Jesus’ invitation is that all are welcome. Listen as Pastor Susanne considers what he mean by “all?” |
Accompanying Scripture:
1 Corinthians 11: 23-26
We continue easing into the summer by reading a kids’ book during worship. This week’s story is “God With Us” and is about Jesus’ arrival here on Earth (yes a Christmas story in June). |
Accompanying Scripture:
Luke 2: 5-7